
Bacterium Agratobacterium tumifaciens causes tumor in in plants.

Cysticercus cyst: Removed from intramuscular swelling. Notice the whitish glistening cyst with milk white spot (scolex of cysticercus)

Cysticercus cyst: Presents as small intramuscular swellings rarely exceeding 1cm in diameter. Aspirate yields a few drops of water clear fluid. Careful examination of fluid may reveal tiny whitish flakes.

Cysticercus cyst: White flakes in FNAC material - unstained. Notice the hexagonal structures with calcospheres within. Usually cysticercus cysts aspirates yield a few drops of water clear fluid. Careful examination of fluid may reveal tiny whitish flakes.

Cysticercus cyst: White flakes in FNAC material - Leishman stain. Notice the hexagonal structures with blackish calcospheres within. Usually cysticercus cysts aspirates yield a few drops of water clear fluid. Careful examination of fluid may reveal tiny whitish flakes.

Cysticercus cyst: Presents as small intramuscular swellings (in this case it is sternocleidomastoid muscle) rarely exceeding 1cm in diameter. Aspirate yields a few drops of water clear fluid. Careful examination of fluid may reveal tiny whitish flakes.

Madura foot: Notice the swollen foot with discharging sinuses.

Madura foot: Notice the swollen foot. X-ray showed only soft tissue involvement. Bones are spared.

Abscess - chest wall